Program Details
Our LGS partners will allow gamers to redeem "Redemption cards" at your store. They can also get redemption cards as prize support at your tournaments.
CLICK HERE to learn all about redemption cards
You must carry TCG product and hold tournaments in a monthly basis.
How does it work?
As a partner, redemption cards can be redeemed at your store. We will PayPal you the cost of the prize at full retail price, market cost or ship the prize directly to your store to be redeemed by your customer.
Host sponsored events?
In collaboration with our partners at Creative Gaming Events, we will choose stores among our network to host tournaments. CGE will provide the prize support and any entry fees go directly to you. There is no cost to stores
How do I get redemption cards?
We will send you redemption cards to be given away as prize support at approved tournaments. 3 redemption cards per month
Is there a fee to participate?
Membership is free, you will receive 3 free redemption cards per month to be given as prize support on approved tournaments:
How do I get more redemption cards?
We are currently working on programs to increase the number of redemption cards. Signup and get the latest updates.
Are there other benefits?
We will advertise your store and tournaments to our member base. As an approved store, store credit redemptions can be redeemed at your store. We will cover the cost of the store credit with a payment directly to you
As we grow the program more benefits and perks will be added.
Redemptions card detail and Prizes